Checking for Custom Headers on a Website: A Step-by-Step Guide


To check if custom headers are added to a website, you can perform the following steps:

  1. Inspect the Website Code:
    • Open the website in your web browser.
    • To access the browser’s developer tools, simply right-click anywhere on the page and choose ‘Inspect’ or ‘Inspect Element’ from the context menu.
  2. Navigate to the Network Tab:
    • In the developer tools, find and click on the “Network” tab. This tab will show you all the network requests made by the website, including HTTP headers.
  3. Reload the Page:
    • After opening the “Network” tab, refresh the webpage by pressing F5 or using the browser’s reload button.
  4. Inspect the Headers:
    • Look through the list of network requests and locate the main page request (usually named similar to the website’s URL or homepage). It is usually denoted by “document” or “html” type.
    • Click on the main page request to view its details in the right pane.
  5. View Request Headers:
    • In the right pane, find the “Headers” section. This will display all the request headers sent by the browser when loading the webpage.
  6. Check for Custom Headers:
    • Look for any custom headers that are specific to the website or application. Custom headers are typically prefixed with “X-” (e.g., “X-Custom-Header”). These headers are not standard HTTP headers and are often used to pass additional information or configuration settings to the server or client-side scripts.
  7. Inspect the Server Response Headers:
    • In addition to checking the request headers, you can also examine the server response headers. Look for headers that the server sends back in its response, as they may contain custom headers set by the server.
  8. Using Browser Extensions (Optional):
    • If you prefer a more user-friendly approach, you can use browser extensions like “ModHeader” (available for Chrome and Firefox) to easily view and modify HTTP headers, including custom headers.

Please note that the presence of custom headers can vary depending on the website’s architecture and configuration. Custom headers are usually set by the server or application to add specific functionalities, authentication tokens, tracking information, or other custom data.

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