Adding Custom Headers to Your WordPress Website



When it comes to creating a captivating website, the header plays a crucial role. A well-designed header not only grabs your visitors’ attention but also sets the tone for the entire browsing experience. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of adding custom headers to your WordPress website, allowing you to personalise your site and make it truly unique.

Why Custom Headers Matter

Enhancing Visual Appeal with Custom Headers

The header is the first element your visitors encounter when they arrive on your website. By adding custom headers, you can make a striking first impression, leaving a lasting impact on your audience. A visually appealing header sets the stage for the rest of your content, drawing visitors in and encouraging them to explore further.

Branding and Identity

Your website’s header is a great place to showcase your brand logo and establish your online identity. Custom headers offer the flexibility to incorporate your brand’s colours, fonts, and imagery, ensuring that your website aligns perfectly with your brand’s identity.

Getting Started with Custom Headers

Choose the Right WordPress Theme

Before diving into header customisation, it’s essential to select a WordPress theme that supports custom headers. Look for themes with built-in header customisation options or ones that are compatible with header plugins.

Preparing Your Header Image

To create a compelling custom header, you’ll need an eye-catching header image. Make sure the image is of high resolution and accurately represents your website’s theme or niche.

Adding Custom Headers: A Step-by-Step Process

Step 1: Accessing the WordPress Customise

In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Appearance” and click on “Customise.” This will take you to the WordPress Customise interface, where you can make changes to your website’s appearance.

Step 2: Finding the Header Options

Within the WordPress Customise, look for the “Header” or “Header Image” tab. The placement of this option might differ based on the theme you are using. Once found, click on it to access the header customisation settings.

Step 3: Uploading Your Custom Header Image

In the header customisation settings, you’ll find an option to upload your custom header image. Use this option to upload the image you prepared earlier.

Step 4: Adjusting Header Settings

After uploading your custom header image, you can further fine-tune the header settings. Depending on your theme, you may be able to adjust the header’s height, alignment, and other visual aspects.

Step 5: Save and Publish

After finalising your custom header design, simply click the “Save & Publish” button to apply the changes to your live website.

Tips for a Stellar Custom Header

Keep It Simple and On-Brand

When designing your custom header, remember to keep it simple and aligned with your brand’s identity. Avoid clutter and excessive design elements that may distract visitors from your main content.

Optimise for Different Devices

Ensure that your custom header looks great on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Test the responsiveness of your header to deliver a seamless user experience.


Adding custom headers to your WordPress website allows you to unleash your creativity and make a lasting impression on your visitors. By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily create a stunning custom header that reflects your brand and enhances your website’s overall appeal. Take the first step towards a captivating website by customising your header today!

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